It took a quite a bit of soul searching to finally decide to include my last wife on my web site. We had a contentious financial divorce, which left me angry and somewhat bitter.
Consequently I decided I would cut her out of my past, that is tantamount to denying she ever existed; I ask you is that mentally healthy?
I say no. I have prided myself on facing life and not running away from it. Many of my friends are very hostile to her and implore upon me to deny her existence.
For years I listen to my friends but it distressed me. To deny her existence means I must make a conscious decision to suppress her presence.
If that is mentally healthy you can have it. I do not believe in Vindictiveness and denial even thought I might temporarily dip into it.
It probably would be a little easier to dismiss Sylvia if she was not such an influence on my life.
But I must say until near the end, when she left to do, as she would say, her own thing, I was hoodwinked.
My first and second wives were basically introverted and differential; they would have to look in the dictionary for word the confrontational.
I think Sylvia invented the word. My sign is Taurus I am more comfortable with a differential woman but I do not have a problem with a feisty and/or
belligerent one as long as she has progressive positive attributes. My darling mother introduced me to Sylvia. My mother was taking exercise classes
and Sylvia was her personal trainer. She very was impressed with Sylvia's charm, vitality and good looks.
At the time I really didn’t want to meet any more women I had some dates and all I could think about was Jackie.
My mother insisted, "Meet her Leroy, she will perk you up. I showed her your picture and she is excited to meet you."
I reluctantly called Sylvia and made an unenthusiastic date to pick her up after she finished training.
I sat in my car outside of the building and saw this smiling vibrant girl bound out and I was smitten on sight, she had an infectious personally.
Boy did we hit off, I liked her lean body and she liked mine. We were on fire, very strong sexual attraction.
I was curious because she was 25 years younger than me, she didn’t know how old I was but my mother told me how old she was.
Sylvia didn’t give me time to think about Jackie, she was going to smother me with attention and make sure this was not going to be a fling.
She had me in her bulls' eye. She instinctively knew what I wanted in a woman; with a little help from my mother I began to feel comfortable with Sylvia.
After a month or so of a red-hot romance Sylvia asked if she could work for me in one of my health stores in NEW YORK CITY. I said hold it, this is too fast,
yet I was excited by her exuberance. Sylvia knew how much I loved Jackie and she was determined to replace her in my heart, that is one of many goals she didn’t achieve.
I enjoyed Sylvia's company, she liked almost everything I liked and she had a zest for living.
I took a chance and hired her at one of the stores she didn’t disappoint me. She didn’t come to slide, she boned up on nutritional books and in no time she was
selling more vitamins than people working for me many years. Jackie moved out of the 8 room 5 bath house we had in Englewood, New Jersey. Sylvia started coming
over on the weekends and she would cook and make me feel great. Yet I felt guilty, this was Jackie's house. No other woman has spent the night in this bed except Jackie.
Sylvia then asked to move in on a permanent basis, what do I do? Aren't the weekends enough?
It was very a big house for one person to live in. Sylvia prevailed and moved in on a permanent basis.
I could not indefinitely stay in that house with another woman, the memories of Jackie were too strong.
That is when I decided to sell the house and moved to California.
I can not dismiss how supportive Sylvia was in the move to California.
I do not think I would have made the move without her encouragement.
We moved to Marina Del Rey in California and opened a thriving health store.
I was with Sylvia for 10 years but would not marry her because despite her showing me so much love I saw selfish character flaws that kept me on guard.
After 2 years in California, Sylvia approached me again about marriage and proclaimed didn’t I prove myself yet?
Okay I owe it to you, let's get married.
2 years later she walks out without warning. I was shocked but not hurt. She was good.
After she walked out she started her own health store.
My friends are angrier than me because they used to always admonish me for not appreciating how good a wife Sylvia was. They feel betrayed also...